tooth extraction (3)

When and Why Is Wisdom Tooth Extraction Necessary?

You may be all too familiar with the discomfort produced by your wisdom teeth. While many ask if wisdom teeth removal may be avoided, it's essential to understand why it's necessary. Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last teeth in the human mou...

Amelia Grant · 07 May · 2

Are Tooth Extractions an Emergency?

Tooth extractions, in most cases, are not considered emergencies. However, certain situations may arise where immediate extraction is necessary due to severe pain, infection, or trauma. Here's a detailed exploration of when tooth extractions become u...

Olivia Evans · 13 November 2023 · 1

Don’t Be Afraid of a Tooth Extraction

Having a tooth extraction in Lethbridge can be a scary experience, but it doesn't have to be. It's important to understand the procedure and the reasons why it might be necessary in order to alleviate some of the anxiety. What is Tooth Extraction?...

Absolute Dental · 02 December 2022 · 10